Join the club, know the date — but were the organizers truthful?

Why doesn’t everyone who signed Mary Morse’s petition, called “Addressing the negative impact of the motorcycle day,” give her $1, and she can pool that money and join the Vintage Motorcycle Enthusiasts for $30.

Why doesn’t everyone who signed Mary Morse’s petition, called “Addressing the negative impact of the motorcycle day,” give her $1, and she can pool that money and join the Vintage Motorcycle Enthusiasts for $30. (As it says on the VME website, “Secret date? Hardly, join the club, know the date.”) And then she can just email you to let you know when to make plans to avoid the noise. And if you follow the recommendations of VashonBePrepared, you will never be without an emergency supply of food at home if you somehow didn’t get the email in time to do your grocery shopping.

Also, I would like to agree that some of those motorcycles are pretty loud. If Ms. Morse is correct that many of them are violating King County ordinance, then Jody Heintzman and Richard Campbell’s assertion (“Organizers extend thanks, Sept. 18) that the event focuses on, among other things, observing all traffic regulations strikes me as disingenuous.

— Yve Susskind