That was a great article on the senior center and aging and thanks to Susie Kalhorn (“As a community, we should grow old together,” Aug. 19).
I use the term “senior,” as do others, but sort of dislike the word — it can have evil connotations.
Living close to “The Center” — a term increasingly popular for the senior center — I use one of my two walkers to help me get there, usually sit on the porch in front and do a little people watching. Something interesting usually happens. Then I go in for coffee and lunch.
Good food, good minds and so much to learn — I recently talked to a “senior” about grinding telescope lenses. After a recent lunch, a “senior” read a short story she had written. Another “senior” knows the lyrics to hundreds of songs. In early September, we’ll be learning about the Romani Gypsy Culture.
I could wander on — an occasional failing — but senior or not, come on down to The Center for coffee and lunch. Share a bit of yourself. $4:50, 12 noon, closed on Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. Come Friday about 11:15 a.m. and sing along with Weslie. How long since you have sung “Oh, Johnny” or learned that you shouldn’t sit under the apple tree with anyone else but me?
I’m living the best years of my life. Ninety, I think, but you know that old folks can’t remember all that well.
— Gordon Fisk