Junior Crew rocks! For a lot of reasons, but just now for the rowers and parents who put on an impressive first-ever fish-friendly car wash at IGA. Everyone put out a lot of extra effort to herd nearly all of the sudsy water into the planting berm, instead of the storm drain. Ellen and Pat Call, Kelly McEachern and Teresa Lewis were essential in making it happen. IGA’s Shawn Hoffman generously provides a car wash place and good support. Greg Rabourn and the Vashon Groundwater Protection Committee provided funds, design effort and equipment. Granny’s Attic’s Tim Johnson, parent Jordon Petram, the fire department, numerous sweepers and others seemed to pop up at just the right moment with just the right support.
The groundbreaking studies of the stream bugs in Shinglemill Creek instigated this better approach, spearheaded by Vashon Nature Center’s Bianca Perla and supported by multitudes of Vashon school students, teachers, bug experts and volunteers. This all culminated at junior crew’s first spring car wash in an inspiring community effort, with more people pitching in than I have space to name.
Improvements made for the recent guide dog benefit car wash, based on storm water system mapping done by VHS students, support by Water District 19’s Armin Wahanik and key suggestions by King County Stormwater’s Lori Cronin, Jeanne Dorn and Cameron Chapman, made things remarkably easier this time by intercepting all runoff at a main storm basin for pumping to a soil filtering area.
I’m sure the bugs and critters in Shinglemill Creek send a big thanks to all.
— Frank Jackson