Islanders wishing to support some of their favorite Vashon nonprofit organizations can do so and have their dollars go farther when The Seattle Foundation holds its first GiveBIG charitable giving day tomorrow.
Islanders can sell their unwanted gold, pocket the proceeds and help students at Vashon High School — all at the same time — when the Asscociated Student Body (ASB) hosts a gold-into-cash party this weekend.
The Vashon High School gym will be decked out in finery this weekend, when the Vashon Quilt Guild hosts its ninth show there, called “Life in Stitches.”
It is a Monday morning at Vashon Community Care, and six residents are gathered in a semi-circle in the dining room, laughing. In front of those gathered are the leaders of the group, Weslie Rodgers and Olde John Croan. His laughter, unsurprising to those who know him, rings out the loudest.
At a time when the owner of Island Quilter was thinking of moving her store off-Island to increase business, she won a much coveted-award in the quilting world: Her shop will be featured in the fall issue of Quilt Sampler magazine, published by Better Homes and Gardens.
Vashon’s Rotary Club will focus on disease prevention when it hosts two community events — one, a community symposium intended to answer questions about vaccines and raise immunization rates locally and the other, a fundraiser to help eradicate polio worldwide.
After 22 years in business, Movie Magic will close its doors next week. The store’s owners have seen business drop dramatically in recent years, and changes they made to extend the life of the business were unsuccessful.
In the heart of a Vashon woods one recent chilly morning, a group of children gathered the ingredients for Hot Forest Tea: red cedar tips, Douglas fir needles, huckleberry leaves and the delicate pink flowers from salmonberry bushes.
In recent years, the role of mindfulness has been shown to benefit people’s physical and emotional well-being in a variety of ways. Islanders will have a chance to learn about this field and its benefits when Dr. Marcie Hamrick and therapist and attorney Sevilla Rhoads offer “An Afternoon of Mindfulness Retreat” next week.
After 58 years as part of the Vashon business community, Robinson’s Furniture will close later this spring, and owners Chuck and Mary Robinson will focus their energy on their new venture, the Vashon Floor Store.
As an acupuncturist, Islander Jessica Bolding spends her days helping people achieve good health, but in recent years, she has been contending with considerable health problems herself.
Northwest Sports began to expand at the beginning of April, taking on the space next door vacated by Phil Spencer of Flash Photo.
Pertussis is on the rise across the state.