When a Vashon man rented an apartment on the Island only to discover days later that it was infested with rats, he didn’t know where to turn. The landlord who had carefully crafted his lease refused to budge, and the man didn’t have the resources to take him to court.
Last summer, Islander Bonnie Raume’s right leg was amputated below the knee. This summer, the 66-year old swam in the Washington State Senior Games for the first time in years. She used to enter the competition annually.
Last spring Barb and Heather Rhoads-Weaver attended a potluck at Vashon Cohousing for same-sex couples with children and were pleasantly surprised to see about 30 other families show up for the event — many more people than they were expecting.
Last week, in a pasture behind the Roseballen housing project in Vashon Town, Andrew Plotsky and Brandon Sheard slaughtered a brown nubian goat — part of their effort to revive a lost agrarian art.
For Islander Lisa Ellner, swimming isn’t just exercise. It’s like a drug.
The Northwest Islanders, Vashon’s men’s slowpitch softball team, recently won the Sun Classic tournament in Yakima, advancing the team to the world champtionships in Texas this September, where they will go up against slowpitch teams from across the country.
Beginning this fall, visitors to the Vashon Farmers Market will be able to sample wine between chatting with friends and selecting fresh produce.
When Mia Croonquist arrived for her first practice with Vashon’s junior crew, the then-eighth-grader almost turned around.
Every now and then, when the sun is bright, the sky cobalt blue and the air so hot that the frigid waters of Puget Sound beckon, we remember why we live here.
In 2008, Islander Karen Bargelt’s father survived prostate cancer thanks to early detection. Now, his picture will be one of many on a banner that Bargelt’s Relay for Life team made to honor their loved ones who have had cancer.
Two years after graduating from college, Vermont native Paul Buttrick found himself with an English degree he couldn’t use in the down economy and stuck in a service job he didn’t enjoy.
Ferry riders may see ticket prices go up more than 5 percent in the coming year — twice the increase that was anticipated in the spring.
Students returning to The Harbor School, a private academy for fourth- through eighth-graders, will notice a number of new faces this fall.