The Vashon Island School District won a federal award that could save Vashon taxpayers up to $8 million in interest payments should one or both of the bond measures overhauling the Vashon High School pass on Feb. 8.
Lisa Hasselman and Chris Hedgpeth used to wake up to the noise of rowdy sports enthusiasts vacating Safeco Field after…
Dan Kaufman recalls his own sense of marginalization when he was a boy growing up in a Los Angeles neighborhood…
The King County Library Service has begun looking for a temporary site to house the Vashon branch during its full-scale…
Vashon artist Beverly Naidus remembers watching her parents kneel in the dirt as they tended their garden, converting their front…
In a long and spirited meeting Monday night, the Vashon-Maury Island Community Council decided that new construction next to an existing King County landmark has to complement the historic structure.
More than 100 nurses, social workers, administrators and interpreters who provide support to low-income pregnant women and new mothers in King County will lose their jobs next month, according to Public Health — Seattle & King County.
Due to the state’s budget crisis, the Vashon Island School District expects to lose between $103,000 and $151,000 in state funding this year — an unexpected mid-year reduction that has thrown a wrench into the school district’s budget.
Vashon Island School Super-intendent Michael Soltman stood at Vashon’s main intersection Friday night, urging one passerby after another to support…
In any campaign, numbers can get confusing — and especially so in a multi-million-dollar construction bond measure. The Beachcomber has…