Drama Dock successfully pulls off “Revenge of the Dinosaur Lady,” the United States premiere of the play, with ease and expertise, thanks to a cast and crew of talented Islanders.
“Scrooge.” The name conjures cheapness, and in the case of “Inspecting Carol,” Drama Dock’s new production of Daniel Sullivan’s farcical inversion of the Dickens original, it’s appropriate that the National Endowment for the Arts plays the miser.
Two opportunities are coming up for Island audiences to enjoy an evening of music by Lindsay Tomasic, an accomplished singer and songwriter from Los Angeles.
As part of the weekend’s Lavender Tour, Café Luna will offer a “Lavender Under the Stars” wine garden outside the café from 5 to 10 p.m. Saturday, July 11.
Four years of high school in a little over two hours: That’s the tall order the musical “Fame” is asked to tackle, and the students in the current Vashon High School production are up to it.
“Rubble Women,” the new piece by Vashon’s internationally acclaimed UMO Ensemble, focuses on Berlin in the immediate aftermath of the second World War, with scarce food, continuing gunfire, graves being dug in front of homes and residential buildings demolished.