Sanders needs local support

Reading the news from the past weeks, I have been struck by the relevance of what Senator Bernie Sanders is saying. Here’s a fellow who actually says what he means and means what he says. And when I’ve spoken with others about his message, folks have been enthusiastic for many of the same reasons I am.

Reading the news from the past weeks, I have been struck by the relevance of what Senator Bernie Sanders is saying. Here’s a fellow who actually says what he means and means what he says. And when I’ve spoken with others about his message, folks have been enthusiastic for many of the same reasons I am. He is a candidate who has not been bought by corporations, one who will do what he has done for his entire political career, which is fight for the betterment of the middle and working classes.

Obviously I support the guy. But how can others support him, beyond shouting, “Go Bernie?”

In Washington state, we can organize and attend the local Democratic party caucuses. If Bernie is to have a shot, he must get the nomination. To get the nomination, he must have the support at the local caucus level. So if you support Bernie’s efforts, if you want a candidate who has been “purchased” not by billionaires, but by thousands of average citizens, who will work for the commonweal, then now is the time to educate yourself and others, dive in and practice democracy by participating in local caucuses.

And be sure to stop by the Bernie booth at the upcoming Strawberry Festival. We’ll have more information about all of this available.

— Michael Shook