Thanks extended to all involved in election | Letter to the Editor

Thank you, Vashon voters! It was impressive to have such a large number of registered voters cast their ballots.

Thank you, Vashon voters! It was impressive to have such a large number of registered voters cast their ballots.

Thank you for the encouragement, support and your votes to retain me as one of your fire commissioners. It is an honor to serve our community, and I am thankful for your confidence in me. I’ll do my best to make you proud.

Thanks to Joe Ulatoski for a civil campaign and for his commitment to making and keeping Vashon a safe place. I look forward to his continued efforts with VashonBePrepared, which works hand-in-hand with Vashon Island Fire & Rescue to promote our community’s readiness for any emergency.

Finally, to everyone involved in either campaign: Thank you for your integrity, your civility, your enthusiasm and your commitment to our shared mission.


— Candy McCullough, Vashon Island Fire & Rescue commissioner