The renowned folk duo Reilly and Maloney, who have played numerous gigs at various Vashon venues since the 1970s, will return to the Island for a show at 7:30 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 13, at the Blue Heron Art Center.
The duo’s harmonies combine Ginny Reilly’s songbird soprano with David Maloney’s strong baritone.
The pair first met in San Francisco in 1969 and went on to perform together for 20 years. After solo careers, they reunited in 2000 and have spent the past decade performing up and down the West Coast.
Their most recent album together, “Brighter Light: a Tribute to Tom Dundee,” was released in 2008.
Maloney’s most recent solo recording, “One Day More,” will be available at the Blue Heron concert.
Tickets to the concert are $13 and $16. They are on sale at www., Books by the Way, Heron’s Nest and Blue Heron. For more information about the popular folk duo, visit