Vashon knows how to do two things really, really well. We help our neighbors, and we know how to party. So, all of Vashon is invited to a major party that also helps your neighbors. The Quake, Rattle & Roll Sock Hop comes up on May 31.
Proceeds will go to completing the Island’s emergency broadcast system — Voice of Vashon Standing By. The funds will “raise the tower” and complete the goal of blanket radio coverage of our community on 1650 AM.
In the 1950s and ’60s, sock hops were held in high school gyms where the wooden floor had to be protected, so everyone took their shoes off. This time things will be hopping at K2 Commons, and it’s a shoes-optional event. “Prince Voltaire, the Motor City Hipster” will spin the disks, and that’s not all. There’ll be a mini auction of “unusual” disaster preparedness items, a raffle to see who gets to ride in the Vashon Island Fire & Rescue fire engine during the Strawberry Festival parade and the ever- popular team competition in the famous “Tower Building Contest.” That’s not to mention the door prizes, gifts, food and drinks. The event is being sponsored by Rotary and by VashonBePrepared with support from many other community groups.
This third tower-raising will add emergency broadcasting coverage to Maury Island and the south end of Vashon. Voice of Vashon Standing By already broadcasts community information at its first transmitter site at the center of the Island. The second transmitter will go on the north end and has been paid for by an earlier fundraiser. So, this third transmitter will complete the set.
When there’s no disaster activation underway, Voice of Vashon broadcasts a continuous loop of community information 24/7 as allowed by its special “Travelers Information Service” FCC license.
When disaster strikes, the emergency broadcasting team switches to live broadcasts to provide continuous information on where to take the injured, where to get food and water, how to keep your family safe and comfortable and many other items of vital information. The system has already served the Island during smaller emergencies with ferry service bulletins and information on major power or telephone outages.
Tickets are $10 per person and are available at the local book stores and at the door. Quake, Rattle & Roll will be from 7 to 11 p.m. Saturday, May 31, at the K2 Commons.
Our own Prince Voltaire, the Motor City Hipster, reminds us that in 1956, as the rock and roll phenomenon swept the nation, Little Richard warbled: “All the flattop cats and the dungaree dolls are headed to the gym for the sock hop ball.” So, as James Dean might (but did not) say: “Be there or be square.”
— May Gerstle is one of the founders of VashonBePrepared and is the chair of the Public Information team. She loves to hike and dance and remembers the ’50s
and ’60s all too well.