Rock and blues will fill the Bike

Get ready for rocking entertainment when Captain Dick & The Portholes take the stage 8:30 p.m. Friday at the Red Bike

Get ready for rocking entertainment when Captain Dick & The Portholes take the stage 8:30 p.m. Friday at the Red Bike. A perennial island favorite, this band is known by its wild versions of slightly obscure rock and blues covers as well as its original compositions. Islander Loren “Little Daddy” Sinner rejoins his former band members Chris Craggs (vocals and guitar), “Lonesome” Mike Nichols (harp), Bret Harper (bass), Terry Ganchorre (piano), Ken “Mama” Richardson (drums) and the horns of Jeff Ptolemy, Chris Wily and Pat Marlatt.

All ages are welcome to this free show until 11 p.m., then only 21 and older.