Drivers who cut in line should be reprimanded | Letter to the Editor

Now that the Fauntleroy ferry line is a free for all, what are we going to do about line cutters? As aggravating as it is to be ignored, laughed at and even cussed at for kindly referring such individuals to the back of the line, I think that resorting to violence is not the answer for a reasonable citizen.

Now that the Fauntleroy ferry line is a free for all, what are we going to do about line cutters? As aggravating as it is to be ignored, laughed at and even cussed at for kindly referring such individuals to the back of the line, I think that resorting to violence is not the answer for a reasonable citizen.

After a personal run-in with an arrogant, verbally abusive line cutter and his female companion, I realize that it is time to do something. We must bring civility back to our daily commute.

Ferry employees cannot do much, and without our policemen there is little recourse for these bullies of the adult world. What can we do? Here are my thoughts:

Call 877-764-4376 and report the line cutter. License, make, model, time of day as well as any other information you are willing to give.

Write down the above information and hand it to a WSF employee, asking it to be delivered to the first person to miss the boat. That is the person who was cheated. That is the person who needs to know.

Get out of your car and get in their face. These people need to know we care, we know they are bullies and they will not get away with cheating the rest of the commuters.

Lastly, petition to get our police force returned to the dock.


— Laura Johnson