Soccer coach made a difference | Letter to the Editor

Someone once told me that coaching high school sports was the most thankless job on the planet, and I guess it is. I would like to extend my thanks to Paul Beytebiere, who has coached my girls at both McMurray and Vashon High School. Paul coaches his soccer teams in the most challenging of skills — compassion and respect.

Someone once told me that coaching high school sports was the most thankless job on the planet, and I guess it is. I would like to extend my thanks to Paul Beytebiere, who has coached my girls at both McMurray and Vashon High School. Paul coaches his soccer teams in the most challenging of skills — compassion and respect.

When one of his players was caught bullying in school, Paul sat down his players and asked them how they could sit idle and watch one of their teammates be so mean. Why didn’t they step in and prevent the bullying? In other words, a team extends much further than the field, it extends to school, family, community, country and the world.

As an act of generosity, Paul always has the parents feed dinner to the opposing team. When my girls transitioned to high school, Paul made sure there was no hazing or nasty behavior by upperclassmen on the team.

I am eternally grateful to Paul for coaching my children in generosity, helpfulness, appreciating everyone’s strengths and pure kindness. My family will miss him.


— Trish Howard