Healthy homes

Patti McClements of Puget Sound Energy will offer a class on how to make your home healthier as well as more energy-efficient with no-cost or low-cost solutions for people with asthma, allergies or respiratory illnesses, families with young children and people who have recently moved into a new apartment or house and are experiencing headaches or respiratory problems.

The class is open to all members of the community and will meet at 6:30 p.m. today, Sept. 24, at the senior center, 10004 S.W. Bank Rd.

Call the center for more information at 463-5173.

Landmark Forum

An introductory conversation about the three-day class “The Landmark Forum” will meet from 2 to 5 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 27, at 11610 S.W. 220th St.

People who attend the Saturday event should come with a project, issue or relationship they would like to take to the next level and see if the forum would be right for them. Organizers say The Landmark Forum helps people break through barriers to achieve everything they want in life.

Call Susan Pitiger at 463-5864 for more information.


Waterlily Workshops presents “In the Midst of Everything … Joy,” an afternoon exploring the physical, psychological and spiritual dimensions of joy.

The workshop will be from 2 to 5 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 28. Whether facing medical hardship, a new member of the family, from grief to happiness, hardship to ease, joy is possible in all circumstances.

Call Deborah Anderson at 853-2388 for registration and location information. The tuition is $35 and includes bubbles.

Modern dance

Stacey Hinden will lead two new dance classes for kids this fall.

Weekly modern dance classes for kids ages 6 to 9 blend improvisation skills, sensory awareness and anatomy for the dancer. There will be studio showings throughout the year.

Classes meet from 3 to 4 p.m. Thursdays.

A modern dance troupe for kids 10 and older will also form.

Weekly classes will lead to four performances throughout the year. This is a fun movement class to prepare the body and mind for innovative site-specific performances. It will meet from 4 to 5 p.m. Thursday.

Both classes will begin Oct. 16 and run through June 11 and be at the Havurat Ee Shalom at 15401 Westside Hwy.

The cost of the 30-class sessions is $300. Call Hinden at 227-5534 to register.