Letters to the Editor | December 5 edition

Readers write in about Journeymen, the Health Care District and Ellisport.


Support thriving boys

I’m reaching out to the Vashon community to consider making a monetary gift to Journeymen.

I’ve been a mentor in the McMurray Journeymen circles programs for 5 years now and know just how important this organization is. All the Journeymen programs truly live up to the ethos of being “wholly dedicated to bringing out the best in our boys.”

Journeymen encourages boys to become compassionate, inspired and resilient young men, which sadly seems to be lacking in our society today. If our boys are to thrive and not succumb to the pulls of greed, narcissism, and tribalism, we need to try to give them tools to become men who care.

Even on a small island, this work is important and can resonate outward into the greater world.

Donate by visiting journeymen.us/donate.

Bill Jarcho


Islanders divided

Thank you to The Beachcomber for doing a great job covering the plans and budget of the Vashon Health Care District (VHCD) in the November 21 issue.

Five months ago, I started an independent, anonymous monthly poll: The Vashon Poll. Every month, I poll islanders on an island topic. In September, I polled islanders about how they think the Vashon Health Care District is doing with its mandate (according to the VHCD website) to “identify and prioritize unmet healthcare needs.”

I received 73 responses. At the time of polling, the VHCD identified four areas of focus, and I polled on each one. To summarize the results here, for brevity’s sake, I will say “for” for those who strongly agreed or agreed, and I will say “against” for those who strongly disagreed or disagreed.

When asked, “How do you feel about the following statement? The VHCD should subsidize Dispatch Health,” 30 people were for, 29 were against, and 13 were neutral.

Asked whether the VHCD should “cover the full cost for anyone using Dispatch Health who is uninsured,” 29 people were for and 31 people were against, with 11 neutral.

Asked whether the VHCD should augment the Mobile Integrated Health program run by Vashon Island Fire and Rescue, 40 people were for and 16 people were against, with 15 neutral.

On the subject of expanding behavioral services to youth, 39 people were for, 21 people were against and 12 were neutral.

Finally, on whether or not people support having a health care district, 35 were for, 32 against and six were neutral.

What I learned is that many islanders didn’t feel they understood the topic well enough to take the poll, and they are divided as to whether we need a health care district, what it should do, and its scope. I would love to see some panel discussions to engage the public on this nascent taxing authority, to allow people the chance to learn about, and weigh in on the future of the VHCD.

To see all the comments from this poll, and to learn more about the poll, go to thevashonpoll.com.

Celina Yarkin


We support the signs

I’m a little disturbed to find out at this late hour that there has been a petition circulated in something less than a public manner seeking to bar, among others, the Ellisport Heritage Trail signs in Ellisport. As far as I can tell, none of these petitioners even live in Ellisport. And I don’t believe they ever even canvassed in Ellisport, either. Certainly not at my house, I can assure you.

They evidently envision traffic jams crowding the streets of Ellisport and sightseers mobbing the place. That’s simply bogus. We get dozens of visitors to KVI beach here in Ellisport every day during the summer, and all of that traffic has always been bearable. These signs are just not going to draw any such crowds. If even one family per day visits the Ellisport Heritage Trail during the tourist season, I’ll eat my hat.

I’ve lived on Vashon for nearly 50 years and am hardly an elite newcomer. The people of Ellisport are proud of our heritage as one of the earliest and most active communities on the island. We’ve worked on and publicized this trail for several years. History is important to any place’s sense of identity and should be celebrated and preserved. It helps people understand the nature and evolution of the community.

If these naysayers want to ban signs in their own neighborhoods, that’s their prerogative. But they have no place trying to tell the citizens of Ellisport what’s best for them.

I urge those who agree to let the King County Council know that you support the 14 signs that help elaborate the Ellisport Heritage Trail, as the community has worked toward and agree to. The Council can be emailed by visiting tinyurl.com/KingCountyCouncilContact.

Fred Sayer


Selective history

Some would say it isn’t lying. But cherry-picking from history is a method of lying by omission. Currently we have apologists for Israel floating the myth that Hamas started the hostilities against Israel on October 7, 2023, by killing 1,200 Israelis. The whole truth is that Israel began murdering Palestinians prior to 1948. Then in 1948 they killed an additional 15,000 of them. Since October 7, they have killed more than 43,000. History in Palestine did not begin in 2023.

In a recent White House press conference, the press secretary stated that every aggressive move in the Ukraine/Russia conflict was initiated by Russia. That could well be true, but again it is selective history.

Russia has been invaded, most horrifically in WWII. In 1990, NATO nations made representations to Russia that there would be no expansion of NATO to the east toward Russia. Some arguments say it didn’t happen. Regardless, the expansion took place and Russia’s western border is now all NATO countries, with the exception of Ukraine.

Recall how the U. S. reacted when Russia placed ICBMs in Cuba. Our government would not stand for it. Now our government thinks Russia is supposed to be okay having adversaries along the total length of its western border.

According to Scott Ritter, Russia is ahead of us in missile technology. They have missiles that travel at ten times the speed of sound and can reach the U. S. No anti-missile system can shoot them down. They can carry nuclear warheads. In giving Ukraine permission to send missiles into Russia, our insane government is gambling that Russia will not respond.

U. S. government, do you have a death wish? If you want to gamble, go to Vegas. Stop screwing with our lives!

Shelley Simon