
Home Sick Home Review: How Everyday Toxins in Your Home May Be Costing You Your Health

Would you believe it if you were told that your home might be the leading cause of sickness, exhaustion, and a rise in health conditions? According to the National Center for Healthy Housing [1], a healthy home is free of pests, contaminants, and toxins. Additionally, it is relatively dry, clean, safe, temperature-controlled, and maintained. Unfortunately, not all flaws are visible to the naked eye, especially when it comes to lurking toxins in the air we breathe.

Understanding how harmful poor indoor air quality can be, Urban Monk Productions brought together some of the world’s renowned experts on home protection and toxin elimination. Are you eager to learn more about the topics discussed and preventative measures to strengthen what many view as the foundation of their existence?

This review aims to detail every known Home Sick Home series layer.

What is Home Sick Home?

Home Sick Home is a six-part series that covers everything about toxins in indoor spaces. Nine speakers reveal the damaging effects of these toxins and methods for guaranteeing a well-protected home.

Hosted by Dr. Pedram Shojai and Aida Garcia Toledo, each of the six episodes represents common risk factors of an unhealthy home. The entire team behind this series emphasizes that Home Sick Home is like pulling back a dark curtain to several sources of suffocation, all backed by credible stories.

Although the effects of toxins have been extensively studied, many people don’t give them enough thought until they have a wretched reason to. Home Sick Home aims to initiate essential discussions on what to look for. No matter where people go, they always return home at the end of the day. Shouldn’t they be armed with shields against toxins? If there’s anything people should keep in mind, it’s this:

Your house is never going to be perfect, but it’s a work in progress,” Home Sick Home ensures that one’s health remains unaffected despite being a work in progress.

Having introduced the foundation of the Home Sick Home series, let’s examine its overall structure in detail.

Transform your home into a healthy sanctuary—register for Home Sick Home today!

How is the Home Sick Home series organized?

Earlier, we mentioned that the Home Sick Home series has been organized into six comprehensive episodes. Without giving too much away, here is a general overview of the topics and key points of each episode:

Episode #1: Air Quality and Your Home

The first episode focuses on the various sources of indoor air pollution. Not all sources are internal, with some coming in from the outside. To illustrate this, the speakers tour a home in Salt Lake City. By the end of this episode, individuals will better understand the measures they can implement in their homes to improve indoor quality, especially if they live in highly polluted areas.

Episode #2: The Effect of Mold on Overall Wellbeing

Though the second episode might be a bit of a spoiler, it further reveals the extent to which mold can wreak havoc on one’s health. The episode features a conversation between the hosts and a young couple to convey this message. Alas, the young couple’s lives became disrupted by illnesses, and the shock for them wasn’t even the diagnosis but the source of their issues. The rest of this episode will walk viewers through the couple’s steps to rectify the situation, get back on their feet, and feel stronger than ever.

Episode #3: Why Dogs Get So Sick

Did you know bad electrical work leads to a surge in powerful EMF issues? EMF stands for electric and magnetic fields due to human activity. While low-frequency EMFs pose little damage to human health, the same cannot be argued for dogs and pets. This episode sheds light on one family’s situation, where bad wiring led to their two dogs being diagnosed with cancer. The pet owner will share what he found and how he resolved the underlying issues.

Episode #4: How Faulty Construction Might Make Things Go South

Continuing on the realm of poor construction, the fourth episode summarizes every little detail to look out for when it comes to faulty construction, especially when a space has not been correctly sealed. The couple featured in this episode was severely struck with undesirable health conditions. In fact, from the pair, one was caught saying the following in the preview of the series: “This is terrifying. I can’t do anything. I can’t walk. I can’t move.” From its looks, the fourth episode should have heads turning and reflecting deeply on the implications of a poorly constructed home.

Say goodbye to hidden home toxins! Join the Home Sick Home series now!

Episode #5: Why What We Buy Matters

The fifth episode is probably one of two comprehensive episodes focusing on making a safe home. In particular, the founder of MADE SAFE, Amy Ziff, will be featured in this episode. She and Dr. Pedram Shojai will explore different items classified as toxic and how they may harm overall well-being.

This isn’t Amy’s first speaking opportunity, as she previously gave a TEDx talk in the Berkshires about environmentally induced illness and disease. Although there isn’t any information on her agenda, her past speeches lead us to believe that she will cover the effects of toxins on hormonal imbalance and ways to reduce exposure to toxins.

Episode #6: A Safe Home

Amy returns with Dr. Pedram Shojai to wrap up the Home Sick Home series season one. The motivation for the sixth episode is to explore all the safe swaps people can make to their homes to convert unhealthy homes into healthy homes. The best part is that her recommended measures require very little effort.


Aside from the general overviews of each episode, individuals will be happy to know that collectively, these episodes aim to educate the public on:

  • The steps to identifying the 5 most harmful toxins that might be prowling right now
  • The steps to identifying the precise areas that are at risk of becoming dangerous
  • What needs to go and what can stay in one’s home
  • Different offenders and their ability to induce symptoms and serious health challenges
  • What to swap out and where money can be saved
  • Boosting self-confidence that one’s home is finally safe
  • The #1 place to target for building the foundation of a “Home Safe Home”
  • Non-toxic shopping and how to prevent poisons from entering the home
  • The 10 best home practices to protect everyone at home, including family and pets

Protect your family from unseen threats—unlock Home Sick Home’s expert insights.

Who will be featured in the Home Sick Home series?

Home Sick Home is a collective effort of the following individuals:

Dr. Pedram Shojai – Host

Dr. Pedram Shojai is the host of the Home Sick Home series, but he is best known as a former Taoist monk. He later became a doctor of Oriental medicine, bringing a wealth of expertise to the series. In the early 2000s, he paved the path for one of the first-ever integrative medical groups. At the time, he thought he was “fixing a broken system,” only to realize that too much damage had been done for any rectification. Frustrated with the “sickcare” model, Dr. Shojai left the game to serve as a company consultant.

His accomplishments to date include:

  • Authoring 8 books in 30 languages and becoming a New York Times Best-Selling Author
  • Producing over a dozen films and series about health under Urban Monk Productions
  • He is featured on many platforms, including Health, Today, The Dr. OZ Show, New York, ABC, MindBodyGreen, Women’s Health, and ESPN.
  • Educating the public on practicing meditation, maximizing energy, beating stress, optimizing wellness, and maintaining a balanced life

Aida Garcia Toledo – Host

Aida Garcia Toledo is the founder of 3 Little Plums, formerly known as Non-Toxic Munchkin. She is on a mission to help people live a non-toxic life by implementing simple and manageable steps. To her, small steps make the biggest impact, which she teaches families to do, especially for reducing toxin exposure for an overall balanced, non-toxic, and healthy home. Her passion for reducing toxin exposure stems from watching her mother battle breast cancer. Her mother’s experience opened her eyes to the effects of environmental chemicals on health.

Here are a few words on how much her curiosity on toxins grew after her mother’s diagnosis and during her pregnancy:

“When I became pregnant with my oldest son, I realized how overwhelming finding products that would not expose my baby to harmful chemicals could be – This is when I decided to dedicate my life to educating parents about the hazards of daily exposure to chemicals.

Warren Phillips, M.S. – Featured Expert

Warren Phillips, M.S., is the co-founder of Revelation Health, LLC, a wellness company on a mission to answer people’s pressing health issues and challenges. Before this company, Phillips was working as a certified geologist with a specialization in chemistry and environmental science. This enabled him to grasp the implications of synthetic chemicals, heavy metals, and toxins on human health.

Despite all his wisdom, the expert eventually fell victim to toxin exposure during his mining clean-up operations, faced with an onset of health issues such as fibromyalgia, weight gain, anxiety, and sleeplessness.

Since then, the expert has collaborated with independent healthcare professionals to help people overcome environmental issues induced health conditions. 17 years later, he is still on a roll! For a general idea of his career, here are some of his accomplishments:

  • Co-founding Health Centers of the Future and Revelation Health, LLC
  • Completing a bachelor’s and master’s degree in geology and earth science
  • Acquiring knowledge in marketing and client acquisition
  • Renowned as the “Non-Toxic Dad,” an influencer, and a speaker who continues to make positive changes in others’ lives

Ready to breathe cleaner air? Discover how with Home Sick Home—register now!

William Holland – Featured Expert

William Holland is an EMF consultant and subject matter expert of over three decades. His specializations include EMF detection, evaluation, and mitigation, all of which pushed him to establish My Quiet Home, a company providing EMF detection and mitigation services to property owners. Holland’s input will certainly be eye-opening, as there have been several debates on the implications of man-made EMF exposure. His segment will reflect his passion for paying close attention to detail, satisfying clients, and educating the masses.

Together, the entire team at My Quiet Home shared the following about their line of work:

“We are proud that 90% of our business is obtained through word-of-mouth referrals. If our clients are happy, we are too […] As seasoned EMF consultants, we are committed to finding and fixing your EMF hazards at their source, giving you a healthy, quiet, calming environment for you and your family to thrive in.”

Dr. Elizabeth Large, ND – Featured Expert

Dr. Elizabeth Large, founder of Awakened Health, is a naturopathic doctor who believes in addressing the root cause of imbalance. To her, this involves considering several factors, including genetics, nutritional deficiencies, toxicity, environmental stress, attitude, and infection. As she describes in her own words, “rarely does chronic illness arise from one cause but a perfect storm enabling illness to manifest.” This viewpoint is a result of her personal healing journey. She was predisposed to allergies and acute infections as a child, making her sensitive for most of her childhood.

Although she was very invested in health since her early teens, she also faced several health scares, whether it be depression, chronic intestinal yeast overgrowth in her GI tract, or immune challenges, among others.

Luckily, she persevered and now helps hundreds of people on their natural healing journeys. Through her segment of the Home Sick Home series, the expert hopes that, just as she found her way to health, her story will encourage others to hang on as well.

Bill Weber, CIEC, CMRS – Featured Expert

Bill Weber is a forensic building consultant and indoor environmental professional. His main tasks include helping clients through litigation and by working alongside their respective healthcare practitioners and indoor environmental professionals. His expertise lies in counseling clients on making hard decisions, especially regarding potential issues in a home. With over 30 years of experience in the worlds of insurance repair and the remodeling industry, Weber undoubtedly has an eye for detecting and remediating mold reservoirs.

When asked what unique perspective he might bring to any table, he answered, “My family [has] all been impacted [by] autoimmune disorders,” adding that though these disorders are out of his control, he can help resolve issues involving mold and/or bacteria.

Learn the secrets to a toxin-free home. Sign up for the Home Sick Home series!

Amy Ziff – Featured Expert

Amy Ziff is the founder of MADE SAFE (America’s first nontoxic certification), a healthy living educator with a predisposition to toxicity, and a mom to three kids who all share the same health-related trait. Given her personal challenges with toxins, she has devoted her career to making the world less toxic.

This includes reaching millions of parents and caregivers with her “buy better” advocacy campaigns, her blogs about the effects of chemicals on daily life, and co-founding Veritey Shop, a site devoted to all things non-toxic. If this doesn’t show her commitment to bringing awareness to a neglected topic, we don’t know what will.

Ryan Blaser, B.Sc., E.E., EMRS, BBEC, HAAC – Supporting Expert

Ryan Blaser is the founder and CEO of Test My Home, an environment-focused company on a mission to improve people’s health and wellbeing. In fact, he founded the company after his personal wellness journey, which began with the effects of mold exposure and lead inhalation. The severity of his condition led to multiple health symptoms at once, such as fatigue, weight loss, and brain fog.

After conventional doctors failed to help him, he turned his attention to his home environment, eventually discovering that the root cause was within his four walls. With this knowledge, he not only cured himself, but he also dedicated his career to finding real solutions for everyone.

Jill Carnahan, MD, ABIHM, ABoIM, IFMCP – Supporting Expert

Dr. Jill Carnahan is a functional medicine consultant who identifies the root cause of her patients’ illnesses, along with any nutritional and biochemical imbalances. Her approach requires the use of nutrition, supplements, lifestyle changes, and, in rare cases, medications to restore health and optimize healing.

Like many of the featured speakers, Dr. Carnahan also endured health issues, having survived both breast cancer and Crohn’s disease. Since her recovery, her passion for educating others has expanded, allowing her to help others open their eyes to the complexity of chronic illnesses.

Aside from traveling the world to share her story, the expert spends a considerable amount of time writing and navigating the health space.

Learn the secrets to a toxin-free home. Sign up for the Home Sick Home series!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q. Who is the Home Sick Home series for?

A. The Home Sick Home series is for anyone who hasn’t felt like themselves in years, has trouble sleeping, has gained weight and can’t seem to keep it off, has social anxieties, seems to have lost balance, and/or is suffering from brain fog, especially after meals.

Q. What makes the Home Sick Home series unique?

A The Home Sick Home series aims to shine the spotlight on the effect that an unhealthy home might have on overall wellbeing. The entire series walks through different people and experts’ personal health journeys after having been exposed to mold and toxins. By the end of the event, the organizers insist that individuals will learn how to live healthfully in their respective homes.

Q. Are the changes presented through the Home Sick Home series costly?

A. No, in fact, a lot of the changes are minor and don’t cost a fortune. By swapping one thing at a time, over a few months, individuals will realize how quickly things have changed for the better.

Q. What if I miss an episode of the Home Sick Home series?

A. For those who miss an episode or two, individuals can consider purchasing access to the series for a lifetime.

Q. Who can I get in touch with regarding the Home Sick Home series?

A. The customer support team is the best point of contact. They can be reached via email at support@theurbanmonk.com.

Join the Home Sick Home series for expert advice on creating a safe, toxin-free home.

How much does it cost to watch the Home Sick Home series?

Registration to the Home Sick Home series is completely free. However, for those who wish to have permanent access to the series, along with bonus resources, a one-time fee of $67.00 will be charged, which was reduced from a whopping $397 for a limited time.

Dubbed “The Healthy Home Transformation Program,” each purchase includes the following:

  • Season 1 of the 6-part Home Sick Home series
  • 5-part Home Safe Home masterclass led by building biologist, Ryan Blaser
  • Digital copies of Non-Toxic Home and Lifestyle guide books
  • A book on the 21 essential strategies for a healthy home
  • A holistic guide on how to live healthy and happy
  • Digital copy of The Mold Toxicity Guide

With respect to bonuses, the team behind Home Sick Home are offering the following:

  • Bonus #1. Non-Toxic Kitchen Guide
  • Bonus #2. Ditch the Chemicals: A Guide to Cleaning Your Whole House With Vinegar
  • Bonus #3. Non-Toxic Clothing Shopping Guide
  • Bonus #4. Toxins in Tampon and Pads: Impact on Health and Safer Alternatives
  • Bonus #5. Non-Toxic Living by Non-Toxic Dad
  • Bonus #6. The Detox Recipe Guide
  • Bonus #7. The Detox Smoothie Recipe Book
  • Bonus #8. A Comprehensive Guide to Coffee Enemas
  • Bonus #9. DIY Non-Toxic Skincare Solutions Guide
  • Bonus #10. Summer Travel Guide
  • Bonus #11. Natural Tooth Care: An Introduction to a Toxic Free Smile
  • Bonus #12. Non-Toxic Feminine Hygiene Guide

Concluding Remarks

To summarize, the Home Sick Home series brings together experts in toxicity and mold exposure, among other related fields. Each expert will cover a specific topic in this 6-part series, raising awareness about issues that are often overlooked as harmless. Although society has repeatedly stressed the presence of environmental toxins and poor indoor quality, it has failed to place the same importance on their health effects, which can be as severe as a cancer diagnosis.

At the time of writing, not much has been revealed in terms of the duration of each episode and which experts will appear in which segments (except with some). However, by the end, individuals will have a better sense as to what to look for and how to transform their home into a dry, clean, and safe place to be.

For our editorial team, the key selling point was the roster of speakers. As we delved into each one’s backgrounds, it was apparent that 1) the appropriate experts have been assembled for this series, and 2) most of them are specialists in toxicity, building contracting, and EMF, among others, having faced related health scares themselves.

It’s one thing to read the science, but it’s a complete 360 when individuals hear from people who’ve dealt with and eventually overcame these issues. Once again, the majority of the speakers are established in their fields, making their insights extremely credible.

The icing on the cake is the ability to access not only the Home Sick Home series for a lifetime but also multiple bonuses, all of which aim to support people in their goals of making their homes healthy again.

To register for the Home Sick Home series, visit official website here>>>.


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