
NativePath Native Fiber Baobab Powder Review: A Natural Solution for Digestive Support?

Native Fiber Baobab Powder is a new baobab fiber supplement created by NativePath.

Available exclusively online, Native Fiber Baobab Powder targets constipation, digestive regularity, and colon health, among other areas of gut health.

Keep reading to learn everything you need about Native Fiber Baobab Powder and how it works today.

What is Native Fiber Baobab Powder?

Native Fiber Baobab Powder is a fiber supplement created by Dr. Chad Walding, DPT, and his team at NativePath.

By taking one scoop of Native Fiber Baobab Powder daily, you can use the power of baobab powder to support digestive health.

Baobab powder is more popular than ever. Many people take baobab powder daily for digestive health, regularity, probiotic balance, and overall digestive health.

As part of a 2024 promotion, Native Fiber Baobab Powder is priced as low as $30 per jar—down from the usual $45 per jar. All purchases come with NativePath’s popular 365-day money-back guarantee.

Try NativePath Native Fiber Baobab Powder now and experience the difference!

Native Fiber Baobab Powder Benefits

Some of the benefits of Native Fiber Baobab Powder, according to Dr. Walding and NativePath, include:

  • Built with the power of baobab powder, a superior source of fiber
  • Target constipation, digestive regularity, colon health, and more
  • Free shipping on all US orders
  • Backed by a 365-day moneyback guarantee

How Does Native Fiber Baobab Powder Work?

Native Fiber Baobab Powder works by providing a strong dose of organic baobab fruit to promote digestive health.

95% of American adults don’t get enough fiber in their diet. That’s a problem because fiber is crucial for digestion, probiotic balance, and regularity. It’s also essential for heart health, cholesterol, and overall health.

Each 5.4g serving (1 scoop) of Native Fiber Baobab Powder contains 4,000mg of organic baobab fruit in a proprietary formula called Fibriss. Baobab fruit comes from the baobab tree, which is native to parts of West Africa. Known as the “tree of life,” baobab has been used in traditional African medicine for centuries. In the last decade, baobab fruit has surged in popularity worldwide.

In addition to baobab fruit, Native Fiber Baobab Powder contains 200mg of L-glutamine. Some people take glutamine daily for a leaky gut. Studies show glutamine can promote intestinal permeability, helping toxins pass through your gut without your body’s absorption. If you have a leaky gut, then more of these toxins could cross into your body.

To activate these ingredients, just mix one scoop of Native Fiber Baobab Powder daily with water, a shake, or the beverage of your choice.

Visit official website to learn about NativePath Native Fiber Baobab Powder >>>

Native Fiber Baobab Powder Ingredients

Each serving of Native Fiber Baobab Powder contains three active ingredients, including organic baobab, L-glutamine, and Himalayan rock salt. The manufacturer mixes these active ingredients with inactive ingredients like citric acid, natural flavors, and monk fruit extract.


Here are all of the ingredients in Native Fiber Baobab Powder and how they work:

  • Organic Baobab Fruit Extract (4,000mg): Most of each scoop of Native Fiber Baobab Powder consists of organic Baobab fruit powder. NativePath uses a proprietary formula called Fibriss to maximize the effects of baobab fruit. Baobab is a fiber-rich fruit that has been used in traditional African medicine for centuries. The fruits, roots, and bark of the baobab tree are packed with natural molecules linked to health – including both digestive health and overall health. It’s one of the most fiber-rich fruits on the planet. It also contains vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, and calcium. According to NativePath, the baobab in Native Fiber Baobab Powder is “organic and sustainably sourced.” The ingredient is wild-harvested by women in Africa, helping to positively impact communities in dry, remote areas of the continent where baobab natively grows.
  • L-Glutamine (200mg): The second-largest ingredient in Native Fiber Baobab Powder is L-glutamine. Glutamine is an amino acid shown to support digestive health. Some take glutamine daily to defend against leaky gut syndrome. Studies show glutamine supplementation can promote the normal permeability of your gut. If you have symptoms of leaky gut – like low energy or unexplained weight gain – then the L-glutamine in Native Fiber Baobab Powder could help. According to NativePath, the L-glutamine in the formula can “support gut biome” and “protect against leaky gut and other inflammatory digestive conditions.” Some take it for IBS and ulcerative colitis. Others take it for diverticulitis or Crohn’s disease.
  • Himalayan Rock Salt (60mg): The third and final active ingredient in Native Fiber Baobab Powder is Himalayan rock salt. Each serving contains 60mg of Himalayan rock salt, or 3% of your daily value (% DV). Typically, manufacturers add a small amount of salt to supplements for flavor.

Other inactive ingredients in Native Fiber Baobab Powder include citric acid, natural flavors, monk fruit extract, stevia extract, beta carotene, and silicon dioxide.

Each 5.4 g serving of Native Fiber Baobab Powder contains 15 calories and 3g of carbohydrates (including 2g of dietary fiber and 1g of sugar).

Native Fiber Baobab Powder is paleo, keto, dairy-free, GMO-free, and gluten-free.

Don’t miss out on this limited-time opportunity to get NativePath Native Fiber Baobab Powder!

Baobab Contains Two Types of Fiber for Digestive Health

There are plenty of fiber supplements available online today. Why pick baobab fiber? What makes Native Fiber Baobab Powder unique?

One of the biggest advantages of baobab fruit is that it contains two types of fiber, including soluble and insoluble. Your body needs both types for optimal digestive health:

Soluble fiber dissolves in water. When it enters your gut, it mixes with water in your digestive tract to create a gel-like paste. This paste slows digestion, helping control blood sugar spikes after a meal. Studies also show soluble fiber is linked to improved cholesterol, gut bacteria, and overall digestive health. Baobab contains soluble fiber. According to Dr. Walding, soluble fiber is important for:

  • Feeding healthy gut bacteria
  • Lowering fat absorption, aiding in weight management
  • Lowering cholesterol
  • Stabilizing blood sugar
  • Supporting cardiovascular health

Insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water. Instead, it enters your digestive tract and helps to push waste out of your body. It adds bulk to your stool, helping you stay regular while promoting constipation relief. According to Dr. Walding, insoluble fiber can help by:

  • Preventing constipation
  • Feeling satiated and fuller after meals

Some supplements contain just one type of fiber, limiting the impact on digestive health. Others take multiple digestive health supplements daily to target different areas of digestive health. With Native Fiber Baobab Powder, you get both types of fiber for optimal effects on digestion.

How to Take Native Fiber Baobab Powder

NativePath recommends taking one scoop of Native Fiber Baobab Powder daily with water.

It’s recommended to start by taking one scoop of Native Fiber Baobab Powder daily. If needed, you can gradually increase it to up to three scoops throughout the day. Each serving of Native Fiber Baobab Powder contains around 2g of dietary fiber. Health authorities recommend getting 25g to 35g of fiber daily, depending on age and sex.

Don’t miss out on this limited-time offer!

What to Expect After Taking Native Fiber Baobab Powder

NativePath markets Native Fiber Baobab Powder to customers who want to promote digestive health using the power of fiber and L-glutamine.

Here are some of the effects you could experience after taking Native Fiber Baobab Powder, according to Dr. Walding and the official Native Fiber Baobab Powder website:

  • Promote Digestive Health: NativePath appears to market Native Fiber Baobab Powder primarily to people with digestive health concerns – like occasional constipation, bloating, and other issues. In fact, Dr. Walding describes Native Fiber Baobab Powder as “your one-way ticket to reclaiming your digestive health.” In fact, he claims Native Fiber Baobab Powder will allow you to “start to forget all about those pesky digestion problems.”
  • Support Gut Health & Gut Lining Integrity: The second active ingredient in Native Fiber Baobab Powder, L-glutamine, was specifically chosen for its ability to support gut health and the integrity of your gut lining. Some studies show glutamine can promote tight junction function in your gut. When tight junctions are impaired, it increases intestinal permeability, causing more toxins to flow into your body.
  • Feed Healthy Gut Bacteria: Your gut is filled with millions of probiotic bacteria. These beneficial bacteria are crucial in nutrient absorption, immune function, and overall digestion. Native Fiber Baobab Powder contains soluble fiber, which can help feed healthy gut bacteria and promote a balanced microbiome.
  • Stabilize Blood Sugar: Native Fiber Baobab Powder can help stabilize blood sugar levels because it contains soluble fiber. According to Dr. Walding, meals with soluble fiber “are less likely to cause sharp spikes in blood sugar levels.” Soluble fiber slows your body’s absorption of the food you’re eating. Many people with diabetes take fiber supplements daily for that reason.
  • Support Heart Health: Soluble fiber is linked to cardiovascular health. Some take it daily to lower cholesterol and blood pressure, and others to stabilize blood sugar. All of these mechanisms could promote overall cardiovascular health.
  • Support Weight Management: Some take fiber as part of a weight management program. Fiber is crucial for managing weight. It helps you stay fuller for longer, controlling your appetite and making it easier to eat fewer calories. It also optimizes digestion, lowers fat absorption, and helps stabilize blood sugar. Blood sugar fluctuations can lead to wild food cravings. The fiber in Native Fiber Baobab Powder can help.
  • Natural, Light Sweetness: Native Fiber Baobab Powder is sugar-free. Instead of using sugar for sweetness, Native Fiber Baobab Powder uses stevia and monk fruit extract. The formula is also flavored with natural flavors. Some studies show sugar has inflammatory effects on the gut, and Native Fiber Baobab Powder could help promote gut health without resorting to sugar or artificial sweeteners.
  • Well-Tolerated: Fiber is generally well-tolerated, and most healthy adults won’t experience significant side effects when taking Native Fiber Baobab Powder in normal doses. However, NativePath claims some individuals could experience mild gastrointestinal changes. Some experts recommend increasing water intake when increasing fiber dosage, as water helps fiber move through your gut with minimal distress.
  • Potential Results Within Days to Weeks: NativePath avoids making specific promises about its gut health supplement. Instead, the company claims it could take “a few days to a couple of weeks” of daily use to experience noticeable changes. Instead of claiming to solve digestive health issues overnight, NativePath emphasizes a consistent, long-term approach to fiber supplementation.
  • Support Relief from Cramping & Constipation: Some struggle with persistent digestive issues like cramping and constipation. According to NativePath, you could “release stuck stool with ease” After taking Native Fiber Baobab Powder, which means “no more abdominal cramping or feeling constipated for days at a time.”
  • Fight Bloating: Do you feel bloated after a meal – no matter what you eat? The baobab fiber in Native Fiber Baobab Powder “acts as a prebiotic,” feeding the good bacteria in your gut. Studies show a balanced gut microbiome can promote gut health and help with bloating. Some find a probiotic-rich diet helps with diarrhea, cramps, abdominal pain, and bloating, among other issues.
  • Increase Fullness & Satiety: Do you feel hungry after a meal? It may be because the meal didn’t have enough fiber. Fiber takes up physical space in your stomach and digestive tract. Soluble fiber, for example, mixes with water to increase in size, creating a gel-like paste. This can boost satiety and fullness, helping you stay fuller for longer.
  • Eat Your Favorite Foods Again: Do your favorite foods impact digestive health? Some find they can eat their favorite foods again after taking Native Fiber Baobab Powder. The formula contains two types of fiber linked to digestive health. Both types of fiber could help food pass through your system more efficiently, allowing you to resume eating your favorite foods again.
  • Support Metabolism, Energy, Immunity, & More: 70% of your immune system lies in your gut. Your gut also plays a crucial role in metabolism and energy. If your body constantly struggles to digest food, you may feel physically and cognitively tired. Some get mental fog. Others find they get tired in the afternoon. Whatever the case, Native Fiber Baobab Powder could help support metabolism, energy, immune function, and more.
  • Get Rid of Stuck Stool: Many adults, particularly older ones, complain about stuck stools. You may feel like you’re unable to empty your bowels, for example completely. Or, you might feel constipated. According to Dr. Walding, stuck stool is more than an annoyance – it could be a serious health problem. In some cases, stuck stool is debilitating. Overall, Dr. Walding warns that ignoring stuck stool is to dismiss an early warning sign of more serious issues that should definitely not be overlooked.”

Get your hands on NativePath Native Fiber Baobab Powder and experience the benefits now!

6 Fiber Myths You Need to Know

Many Native Fiber Baobab Powder customers are older adults interested in promoting digestive health and regularity.

To promote Native Fiber Baobab Powder online, Dr. Walding is dispelling “6 myths about fiber every senior needs to know.”

Here are the six fiber myths highlighted by Dr. Walding:

Myth #1: There’s Only One Type of Fiber: Some think all fiber is the same: there’s just one type of fiber, and it doesn’t matter which one you take. That’s not true. There are soluble and insoluble fibers. As mentioned above, the baobab fiber in Native Fiber Baobab Powder contains both.

Myth #2: Cereal is the Best Type of Fiber: Some people eat cereal daily as a source of fiber, and cereal companies love advertising products as such. Unfortunately, many cereals also contain excessive sugar, high fructose corn syrup, filler and junk ingredients, and other additives. The fiber in cereal can be good, but it may not be worth the added ingredients.

Myth #3: All Fruits & Veggies Are Good Sources of Fiber: Fruits and vegetables are cornerstones of a healthy diet. However, they’re not an immediate answer to all fiber woes. Some fruits and vegetables have surprisingly little fiber, for example. Other fruits have tons of fiber – but only if you eat the skin.

Myth #4: Fiber and Prebiotics Are the Same Thing: Some fiber is considered prebiotic, which means it supports probiotic bacteria in the gut. However, not all fiber has prebiotic benefits. Pectin, polyphenols, resistant starch, and inulin are all types of fiber known for their probiotic effects. Other types of fiber could have a limited impact on gut bacteria.

Myth #5: You Only Need Fiber to Stay Regular: Some use fiber as a cure-all for digestive health problems. They think fiber will immediately clear up their digestive woes. Fiber can help support digestive health. However, you may need other changes to address inflammation, weight management issues, blood sugar imbalance, and other biological factors that impact gut health.

Myth #6: You Should Always Take Fiber Supplements: Fiber supplements can help. However, many experts recommend adding more high-fiber foods to your diet instead. In fact, studies show fiber supplements, on their own, are less effective than getting an equivalent dose of fiber from whole foods. Try adding more fiber to your diet while also taking Native Fiber Baobab Powder.

Find out what makes NativePath Native Fiber Baobab Powder so great >>>

Scientific Evidence for Native Fiber Baobab Powder

A doctor of physical therapy created native Fiber Baobab Powder. That physical therapist, Dr. Walding, cites over a dozen studies on the Native Fiber Baobab Powder references page. We’ll evaluate the science behind Native Fiber Baobab Powder below.

Multiple studies have linked baobab fruit extract to prebiotic effects. For example, a 2021 study published in Microorganisms found that baobab fruit pulp powder had significant prebiotic potential on the human gut microbiome. Researchers found baobab significantly raised Bifidobacteria, Lactobacilli, and Firmicutes probiotic bacteria levels versus a placebo.

Baobab also works because it has many bioactive compounds beyond just fiber. One recent review, for example, found baobab was packed with phenols, flavonoids, tannins, carotenoids, catechins, proanthocyanidins, vitamin C, and micronutrients linked to overall health. In that review, researchers found these bioactive compounds could support blood sugar and overall health in multiple ways.

The largest ingredient in Native Fiber Baobab Powder, Fibriss, is a proprietary baobab extract formula made by Compound Solutions. The formula contains soluble and insoluble fiber along with the natural polyphenols within the baobab fruit. Compound Solutions specially designed the formula to reduce grittiness and boost mixability. According to Compound Solutions, Fibriss “supports numerous aspects of gut health,” including digestion, regularity, and overall gut health. It’s also USDA Organic certified and wild-harvested from Africa.

The second active ingredient in Native Fiber Baobab Powder, glutamine, is also linked to digestive health. Studies show it’s one of the few natural ingredients linked specifically to leaky gut. Taking L-glutamine could help protect intestinal epithelial tight junctions, defending against intestinal permeability issues.

Overall, Native Fiber Baobab Powder uses the power of baobab fruit extract to promote powerful effects on digestive health and overall gut health.

Save on NativePath Native Fiber Baobab Powder when you order now!

Native Fiber Baobab Powder Reviews: What Do Customers Say?

Native Fiber Baobab Powder has 35+ reviews on the official website and an average rating of 4.9 stars out of 5, making it one of NativePath’s best-rated supplements overall.

Here are some of the reviews shared by verified Native Fiber Baobab Powder users on the official website and other sources online:

Most customers like the flavor and mixability of Native Fiber Baobab Powder, finding it easy to take daily. It’s not sickly sweet or heavy; it’s light and fruity without being overly strong.

Some customers use Native Fiber Baobab Powder to help with constipation. One woman claims it’s the “first time I have been regular in 10 years” since she started taking pain medication. In fact, she claims she hasn’t had to use a laxative “for a month,” describing the supplement as “wonderful” overall.

Another customer echoed those findings, claiming Native Fiber Baobab Powder “helped me with constipation issues.”

Some people have constipation linked to a medical condition – like Parkinson’s. One customer claims Native Fiber Baobab Powder “works great for [a] Parkinson’s patient,” claiming it’s “The best we’ve tried” for constipation.

Others don’t struggle with constipation, yet they take Native Fiber Baobab Powder daily for digestive regularity and overall digestive health. One customer, for example, claims It helps him “keep things regular and at high performance. ”

Most customers are happy with the price of Native Fiber Baobab Powder, finding it offers good value compared to other fiber supplements on the market.

Some customers start taking Native Fiber Baobab Powder after taking other popular fiber supplements like Metamucil. One customer found Native Fiber Baobab Powder was “not clumpy, nor is it chalky” like other fiber supplements; instead, it’s easy to drink daily.

Some notice results the same day they take Native Fiber Baobab Powder. One customer claims she was “able to go #2 on the same day” she took Native Fiber Baobab Powder, for example, and that it “took away my constipation fast.”

Generally, customers are happy with Native Fiber Baobab Powder and how it works. They find it reasonably priced and easy to get your daily fiber intake while tasting great. Customers also have good things to say about NativePath, finding the company offers good customer service and an impressive 365-day money-back guarantee.

See what others are saying about NativePath Native Fiber Baobab Powder >>>

Native Fiber Baobab Powder Pricing

NativePath normally costs $45 per jar. As part of a 2024 promotion, however, NativePath has reduced the price to just $37 per jar or less. The more bottles you order, the more you can save.


Here’s how much you pay when ordering Native Fiber Baobab Powder online today:

  • Order one jar for $37 + Free Shipping
  • Order three jars for $90 ($30 Per Jar) + Free Shipping
  • Order six jars for $156 ($26 Per Jar) + Free Shipping

Each jar of Native Fiber Baobab Powder contains 162g or 30 servings. To promote digestive health, take one to three servings daily.

Native Fiber Baobab Powder Refund Policy

Native Fiber Baobab Powder, like other NativePath supplements, has a 365-day money-back guarantee. You have one full year to request a refund on Native Fiber Baobab Powder if you’re unhappy with the supplement for any reason.

Order NativePath Native Fiber Baobab Powder today and be glad you did!

About NativePath

NativePath is a Miami, Florida-based supplement company founded in 2010 by physical therapist Dr. Chad Walding, DPT. Today, NativePath manufactures Native Fiber Baobab Powder and all other supplements in an FDA-registered, GMP-certified facility within the United States.

You can contact NativePath’s customer service department by phone, email, or live chat:

  • Telephone: 1-800-819-2993
  • Email: cs@nativepath.com
  • Mailing Address: 114 NW 25th St Unit #131, Miami, FL 33127

Final Word

Baobab fruit is more popular than ever. Whether taking it for digestion, weight loss, constipation, or overall regularity, you could enjoy the effects of baobab with Native Fiber Baobab Powder from NativePath.

Each scoop of Native Fiber Baobab Powder contains 4,000mg of baobab fruit extract in the form of Fibriss. The fiber-rich extract can promote digestive health in multiple ways. As part of a 2024 promotion, NativePath has reduced the price of Native Fiber Baobab Powder to as little as $30 per jar.

Visit the official website to learn more about Native Fiber Baobab Powder or to buy the supplement online today.


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