Ferry worker has always been pleasant | Letter to the Editor

We have lived on Vashon Island since December 1993. I remember Mr. Brice from when I regularly commuted from Talequah. He has routinely been nothing but pleasant to my family and is courteous to a fault.

We have lived on Vashon Island since December 1993. I remember Mr. Brice from when I regularly commuted from Talequah. He has routinely been nothing but pleasant to my family and is courteous to a fault. 

When I first read this article, I wondered what time of day Mr. Schiller filmed Mr. Brice. Usually every morning I park my car at the Ober Park and Ride and wait for the 119 bus. I would guestimate that at least 90 percent of the vehicles passing this particular Park and Ride are traveling well over 50 mph. This figure also includes the King County Sheriff’s vehicles trying to catch the 5:45 a.m. boat to Seattle. I am not defending Mr. Brice’s actions, but I still have a great deal of respect for him. Instead of singling out one person, how about addressing the speeding issue all over Vashon?


— Spencer Blixt