We wanted to thank you for the in-depth article on the CERT organization, (“As CERT changes hands, volunteers continue to prepare for the worst,” June 17) and we want to thank the 45 volunteers who donated their time and energy to become even better prepared to help their island neighbors in an emergency.
In addition to CERT, we think that it is important to also acknowledge the contributions of two other organizations that were integral to the joint exercise on June 14. Equestrian CERT is a companion, but separate, organization to Vashon CERT, and its members (both horses and riders) undertake additional training beyond the standard CERT training. Vashon’s Equestrian CERT team is counted as a separate emergency response asset by King County, and we are very fortunate to have this unique and highly qualified group on our island.
Vashon Auxiliary Communication Service (ACS) provided radio communications for the June 14 event. Vashon ACS includes the island’s Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) and provides communications services through radio, Wi-Fi and other means during emergencies, drills and community events. The group of licensed ham radio operators is growing on the island, continuously improving our ability to communicate during an emergency, including contacting off-island resources. CERT, Equestrian CERT and ACS always welcome new members and are great ways to be involved in emergency preparedness.
The next opportunity to learn about ACS is this weekend at Sunrise Ridge. The Vashon Radio Club will set up two radio trailers and operate all weekend, making long-distance radio contacts around the world during national Field Day, which involves more than 35,000 radio amateurs in the U.S. and Canada — all on the air simultaneously. We encourage anyone with a curiosity or interest in ham radio to stop by Sunrise Ridge on Saturday or Sunday morning to hear voices from around the world, or even get on the air.
— Michael Meyer, Mark Ellison-Taylor and Sharon Danielson Vashon Auxiliary Communication Service