Ten years ago, my son and I moved to Vashon. My son, now 17, recently competed and won first in the state for multiple percussion, an endeavor that started in earnest last November but in all fairness began years ago during his early years at Chautauqua Elementary School
I write today to express my gratitude to the Vashon School District for providing him these years of primary and secondary education.
Without question, he came to percussion through math concepts learned in elementary school. During the McMurray years, I cannot fathom how often he was asked to stop tapping the desk, the chair, his notebook, his foot. Without these experiences, he would have stood a different person on that contest stage a few weeks ago, if at all. Not even a soloist arrives alone.
My son is a product of this community. He has benefited from nearly every support service available to a parent that Vashon offers. Well beyond adequate, never perfect, each year in our schools has given him room to think, breathe, grow and sometimes fail. He has been educated academically, socially, musically and emotionally. He has been safe. At Vashon High, he is thriving. He is one of hundreds.
We all know about the school budget cuts. It would be penny wise but pound foolish to allow these cuts also to deplete our spirit, spunk and giving heart. Our school budget has no line-item for kindness and generosity; these therefore cannot be subject to cuts.
This weekend you have an opportunity to help PTSA raise funds to replace 25 year old math textbooks at the high school and much needed math supplementation at K-8.
It is PTSA Auction on Saturday. Please attend. Raise a paddle. Give on-line www.vashonptsa.org.
We can do this.
— Cynthia Chee