New art center makes sense on Vashon | Letter to the Editor

Since the new Vashon Center for the Arts building has been proposed, I have read the many concerned letters in The Beachcomber. I was pleased to read the commentary by Susan Kutscher (“Many reasons exist to support the proposed Vashon Center for the Arts”) last week because I think she addressed everyone’s concerns in a very well thought out and reasonable manner.

Since the new Vashon Center for the Arts building has been proposed, I have read the many concerned letters in The Beachcomber. I was pleased to read the commentary by Susan Kutscher (“Many reasons exist to support the proposed Vashon Center for the Arts”) last week because I think she addressed everyone’s concerns in a very well thought out and reasonable manner.

This is one of the most artistic communities I have ever seen, and it makes sense to have a grand center for the arts, and they seem to have it well planned out.

The school should naturally have its own auditorium. Isn’t it tiring having a say in everyone’s business, a finger in every pie, fighting every battle? Just pick the cause that’s dear to you and donate to that and let the rest go. Thank you, Susan, for summing things up so beautifully.


— Natalie Winters