Vashon, this is your next to last chance to weigh in on what will get put on the ballot in February 2016 for what is being called Phase II for high school sports: track and field and new gym, service buildings and other renovations. The sports aspect of this bond has the highest cost. So far, the sport community has come in numbers to these meetings, and anytime something is cut or becomes a little less, they put up a fight. They want it all and they want it now.
But who has not been heard from yet is the community at large, citizens who may be voting “no” on this bond. We have turned down two bond issues over the last several years. The first was a $75.5 million bond for a replacement of the high school and athletic fields. The second was when we passed the $47.7 million bond for the new high school but voted against the athletic facilities bond.
This Phase II has gone from $32.5 million to about $27 million at the last meeting. The way some numbers have been thrown around, I do not trust them as being real.
This Thursday, Nov. 12, at 7 p.m. at Chautauqua, the school board will make a motion of what the bond will include and cost. This motion will then be voted on the following week, Nov. 19. I am usually the only non-sport person in the room at these meetings. I would love to be joined by others. Come to the meeting, listen to what is being said and comment on your concerns and wishes.
— Hilary Emmer