McDermott decides to sponsor measure that would alter UAC system

King County Councilmember Joe McDermott has decided to sponsor legislation that could fundamentally alter the county’s relationship with its unincorporated areas.

King County Councilmember Joe McDermott has decided to sponsor legislation that could fundamentally alter the county’s relationship with its unincorporated areas.

McDermott, a former state senator elected last fall to the nine-member county council, put his name on the bill last week. The measure, put forward by County Executive Dow Constantine in April, would end the county’s formal relationship with its six Unincorporated Area Councils and broaden its outreach strategies in unincorporated areas by establishing community service areas.

McDermott said he’s sponsoring the measure so that “the legislative process can begin.” Without the bill, Unincorporated Area Councils, or UACs, would cease to exist by this fall — due to a budget proviso enacted by the county council earlier this year.

“I think the legislation is a great starting place,” he said. “But I certainly expect there to be amendments. I don’t expect it to be enacted as is.”

Several of the UACs strongly oppose the measure, McDermott noted, although the Vashon-Maury Island Community Council — Vashon’s UAC — has not taken a formal position.

“I know there are a number of concerns not represented in the ordinance,” he said. “I hope we can come to a resolution that works for all unincorporated residents.”