This kind of coverage hurts our community | Letter to the Editor

The front page of the Aug. 31 issue (“Judge agrees Oregon woman can reopen controversial custody plan”) sensationalizing an Island family’s custody dispute really disturbed me. When pictures and articles like the one last week are published, or when local TV stations show inappropriate footage exposing family privacy, I have to wonder if individual reporters ever stop for a moment to put themselves in the shoes of those they report on.

The front page of the Aug. 31 issue (“Judge agrees Oregon woman can reopen controversial custody plan”) sensationalizing an Island family’s custody dispute really disturbed me. When pictures and articles like the one last week are published, or when local TV stations show inappropriate footage exposing family privacy, I have to wonder if individual reporters ever stop for a moment to put themselves in the shoes of those they report on.

I am sure any given reporter will experience, if they haven’t already, some form of tragedy in their lives, their family or close friend’s lives. Alcoholism, drug abuse, loss of a spouse, parent, child or friend to illness or suicide, financial ruin or mental illness eventually touches all of our lives one way or another. I wish when publishers print and report material in their local community especially, they would realize that what they print can hit home pretty hard, especially when children are involved. Often the damage is done after the fact.

The Vashon community is an amazing place, with much of the support aimed at supporting Island kids. How do articles that have been published recently in this paper support those children involved in that custody dispute?

I’ll continue to read The Beachcomber weekly and read all about our friends and neighbors. But I am hoping in the issues to come, The Beachcomber staff will take a step back and remember that we are Island friends and neighbors and remember the impact the words and pictures they print can make, on children especially.


— Chris Jovanovich